Ambient Infrastructure: Ensemble of components (e.g. Watchers, Judge) and services enabling a DKMS based cryptographically secured environement for decentralised authentication and peer-to-peer interactions. Acting as duplicity detection protection.
DKMS -- Decentralized Key Management System
Identifier -- A sequence of characters used to refer to a digital and unique form of a label. In this project we focus on cryptographically derived identifier (Self-Certifing Identifier) from the private/public key pair and anchored into its own KEL.
KEL -- Key Event Log. An authentic provenance log that keeps all the changes of the Identifier in authentic and verifiable way.
OOBI -- Out of Band Introduction. A discoverability mechanism used in DKMS that is out-of-band (ie. via QR codes). In concert with Percolation Theory is founded upon the assumption that "everyone knows something and no one knows everything".
Witness -- collaborates with Controller, attestates that information has been seen at a point in time by a third party (the Witness)
Watcher -- collaborates with Controller and serves for its purposes mainly for the validation purposes.
Receipt -- Witness issued attestation that confirms that information has been seen at a point in time